
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir warned all SOEs to implement a healthy work environment. He emphasized that he would not tolerate acts of sexual harassment within the BUMN environment.

Erick also strongly criticized the inappropriate treatment carried out by the cleaning staff of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI against a train customer at Ciamis Station, West Java (West Java).

"From the start, the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs was committed not to give any space for perpetrators of sexual harassment," Erick said in Jakarta, Friday, August 5.

In fact, Erick claimed to have issued a circular letter number SE-3/MBU/04/2022 regarding the respectful workplace policy (WRP) last April.

The regulation comes out as a concrete form of providing a mutually respectful work environment, free from discrimination. Including exclusion or restriction, harassment, bullying, and various other forms of violence as well as upholding dignity and self-respect, to maintain productivity during work.

"A healthy work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment is not limited to internal SOEs, but must be implemented in public services," said Erick.

Therefore, Erick appreciated KAI's move to immediately fire the cleaning staff employed by KAI's subsidiary, PT KAI Services. Not only firing, Erick conveyed that KAI also blacklisted the population identification number (NIK) of the individual so that he would not be able to use rail transportation services in the future.

Erick said, this decisive action is a clear proof of BUMN's commitment to implementing a work culture that is free from harassment. In addition, Erick also praised the courage of the passengers who reported the action.

Erick hopes that other passengers will not hesitate to report if they experience a similar incident.

“Thank you for your courage that inspires many people. I have also asked KAI to provide assistance to victims," said Erick.

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