
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina has prepared 72 locations for registration of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) appropriate subsidy programs for residents who do not have smartphones.

"There are 1 city and 13 regencies for which we have prepared offline registration booths," said Section Head of Communication Relations at Pertamina Patra Niaga for the Jatimbalinus region, Arya Yusa Dwicandra, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 3.

He said the reason Pertamina expanded the registration area to the NTT area was because the enthusiasm of the community to participate in the registration of the correct fuel subsidy since July 1, 2022 was very high.

In addition to offline registration, it also expands the subsidy registration area right through the website

"For registration through the 72 offline booths in the NTT region, currently approximately 1,581 registrants have been registered at MyPertamina spread across Kupang City, Alor Regency, Sikka Regency, Lembata Regency, East Flores Regency, Belu, Manggarai, West Manggarai, Malacca, East Manggarai Regency, Nagekeo Regency, Ende, Ngada and North Central Timor (TTU) Regencies.

Meanwhile, Sales Branch Manager I NTT Muhammad Herdiansyah said, specifically for the Kupang City area, quite a lot of vehicle owners registered their vehicles.

"That day the number ranges from 40-50 people who register. But that's only in certain areas or gas stations," he said.

The registration location is at the Pertamina Kupang office, or also at the gas station in Kupang City.

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