
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) continues to increase the operation of new and renewable energy-based plants in West Sumatra, by supporting the construction of the Batanghari Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMh).

General Manager of the West Sumatran Regional Main Unit (UIW), Toni Wahyu Wibowo, said that currently, almost 52 percent of the electricity consumed by the people of the West Sumatra region comes from new renewable energy, EBT.

The NRE-based power plants consist of three hydroelectric power plants (PLTA) with a total capacity of 252.91 MW, 1 unit of geothermal power plant (PLTP), 2 units of gas power plant (PLTG), and dozens of PLTM.

"These EBT plants supply electricity to the majority of PLN UIW West Sumatra customers and are also connected to the Sumatra interconnection network," said Toni in an official statement, Monday, August 1.

The construction of the PLTMh which is located on the Batanghari River has been started since June 10, 2022, by PT Brantas Total Energi.

"On June 11, 2021, PT Brantas signed an agreement with PLN. Finally, after a year, to be precise on June 10, 2022, this PT has completed the prerequisites to be able to start construction," said Toni.

The agreement to fulfill these prerequisites was stated by the signing of the Certificate of Financing Date, between PT Brantas Total Energi and PLN UIW West Sumatra, last Friday, July 15.

President Director of PT Brantas Total Energi, Syaiful Arif said his company wanted to contribute to increasing the production and use of clean energy in Indonesia.

He also appreciated PLN for providing the opportunity to realize this.

"PT Brantas will seek the PLTMh Batanghari to be immediately established and promote the use of NRE in the Minang realm," he said.

Head of the West Sumatra ESDM Office, Herry Martinus, assessed that West Sumatra has a great opportunity for energy independence because of the large availability of regional electrical energy.

"I really appreciate PLN's fast work to support the existence of the Batanghari PLTMh. West Sumatra is indeed very rich in renewable sources, it is even claimed to be a green energy barn," he said.

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