
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) supports the electric vehicle exhibition organized by the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo). According to PLN, the exhibition is an important effort in the clean energy transition process in Indonesia.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, through an agenda like this, the battery-based electric motorized vehicle (KBLBB) ecosystem in Indonesia could be stronger. He also hopes that people will no longer hesitate to have electric vehicles.

“PLN as an energy provider is committed to providing reliable electricity supply to answer the needs of this electric vehicle. We have developed a strategic and tactical framework in the field. One of them is the construction of the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU), which has reached 139 units throughout Indonesia, "explained Darmawan to the media, Friday, July 22.

He added that the 2022 Perikliindo Electrice Vehicle Show (PEVS) is expected to be a place for learning and updating information related to electric vehicles for the wider community. "This exhibition is also a space for supporting manufacturers of electric vehicles to actualize their latest findings. This includes supply chain developers of electric vehicle ecosystems and other supporters that the public can try directly," Darmawan continued.

Present at the exhibition, the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) who is also the General Chair of Periklindo, General TNI Moeldoko appreciated PLN's support in accelerating electric vehicles in Indonesia. He assessed that PLN's steps in preparing electric vehicle infrastructure were able to answer public doubts about electric vehicles.

"Look, electric cars need an ecosystem. Regarding the readiness of charging. People are still doubtful about this charging. But now the SPKLU has started to intensify. So the egg and chicken problem has been solved," said Moeldoko.

He also explained that PLN and Periklinddo's steps in accelerating electric vehicles are in line with the government's plan to reduce global emissions by switching from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles.

"We want to jump from conventional cars to electric cars. For a cleaner environment," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko hopes that PEVS 2022 can support the transition program for conventional fuel-based vehicles to electric vehicles. This event is also an educational event for the community in empowering electric vehicles.

"Through this exhibition, I want people to see that electric cars are not as complicated as people fear," explained Moeldoko.

PEVS 2022 lasts for 10 days and is open from 11.00-21.00 WIB for weekdays and 10.00-21.00 WIB for weekends. Entrance tickets can be purchased at with details of the price of IDR 100,000 for the first day, IDR 30,000 for weekdays, and IDR 50,000 for the weekend.

PEVS 2022 is the first electric vehicle exhibition in Indonesia. The exhibition, which presents more than 50 electric vehicle manufacturers, will be held from 22-31 July 2022 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta.

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