
JAKARTA - As a manifestation of the company's concern, PT Industri Jamu Dan Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) in collaboration with the Rotari Club of Semarang Bojong held a Free Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery for infants and children in Wonosobo, Central Java. A total of 30 patients underwent surgery which was carried out at RSI Wonosobo, on Saturday, July 16.

Cleft Lip Surgery assistance worth Rp400 million was symbolically handed over by the Director of Sido Muncul Irwan Hidayat to the Membership Committee of the Rotary Club of Semarang Bojong Eleonora Aprilita which was broadcast virtual from Jakarta and Wonosobo.

“Free Cleft Lip Surgery Assistance from Sido Muncul has been carried out six times since 2018. We have held it twice in Kupang, Banten, Dolok Sanggul, Tarutung, and Tegal. A total of 125 patients. We focus on this assistance for patients who come from underprivileged families. We hope that the operation goes smoothly, patients can smile again, and can increase their confidence to socialize," said Irwan in his statement, Monday, July 18.

Patients who follow this free surgery are those who suffer from cleft lip and palate. A total of 10 patients with Labio (Cleft Lip) cases, 10 patients with Palato (Cleft palate) cases, and 10 patients with Labio & Palato (Cleft lip and palate) cases. All patients had undergone the screening process the day before.

Cleft lip is a congenital condition characterized by a cleft or fissure in the upper lip. The gap can be in the middle, right, or left of the lip. In addition to the upper lip, cleft palate can also occur on the roof of the mouth. This condition is known as a cleft palate.

The causes of cleft lip are related to heredity, close family marriage, malnutrition, infection during pregnancy and others. But what is certain is that there is interference with the union of the lips, gums, or palate during the first trimester of pregnancy.

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