
JAKARTA - After successfully holding a short film competition festival last year, Indodax, an Indonesian crypto exchange startup, again held its annual event entitled Indodax Short Film Festival (ISFF). This event is the fourth time, after being held for the first time in 2019.

As CEO of Indodax, Oscar Darmawan is very happy that this annual Indodax event can be held again this year.

"As the organizer of the 2022 Indodax Short Film Festival, we consistently create a platform to support communities in the film sector, especially short films, so that they can share their ideas and works. We are very enthusiastic to invite the short film community again to be able to enliven the Indodax Short Film Festival event. 2022," Oscar said in his statement, Thursday, July 14.

Indodax has also appointed a representative from Indodax along with three industry players in the Indonesian film industry who have produced several outstanding works to become judges for the 2022 Indodax Short Film Festival (ISFF). The three industry players are Ernest Prakasa, Mira Lesmana, and Anjas Maradita .

As one of the actors in the Indonesian film industry, Ernest Prakasa is honored to be trusted as a judge by Indodax. Ernest was very excited to see the film maker and the new works that would be born in the future.

"I always spread my arms widely to welcome the regeneration of new ideas, thoughts, and passions in Indonesian cinema. I hope that the film makers participating in the 2022 Indodax Short Film Festival will have new ideas that can emerge, because short films are a medium. which is very flexible. Film is storytelling, so we have to be good storytellers. And the best stories don't need to be searched far, but often come from within ourselves," said Ernest.

In line with Ernest Prakasa, producer of the film What's Up With Love? , Mira Lesmana is feeling excited. As an industry player who has been involved in producing well-known films in the country, Mira Lesmana hopes that many will take part in this ISFF event and dare to express new, interesting and unique ideas.

"For film creators, when we make short films, it is very important that we can prepare stories according to our own capacities, abilities and resources. Make interesting and new stories, especially if something unpredictable or unpredictable can happen. Then, in my opinion, the most important thing is to always prepare carefully before we enter the production period," explained Mira.

Not only that, Mira advises short film creators to ensure that what we need is available, such as practicing with the actors (reading), the location to be used and the voice. This is the key to the smooth running of a film production. Already experienced in the film industry, Mira also revealed that sometimes sound recording is one of the things that is neglected because it can rely on the editing process.

In fact, recording sound in the field makes the film interesting and important in order to feel the ambience of the film. Mira also added that film creators should not use too much music, let alone use non-stop music to fill their films.

"A film that can make the audience interested is of course something new, unpredictable and how the audience can relate to the story or the expression of the film. Sometimes we forget that this film needs to be watched by many people. Maybe if what is told is only for ourselves , not relatable to others, it may not be something interesting," concluded Mira.

As a jury that has been repeatedly appointed by Indodax, Anjas Maradita also hopes that the Indodax Short Film Festival 2022 event will be successful and can provide exposure and self-promotion for short film creators.

"I hope that participants, especially those who fall into the predetermined category, will get an exposure platform, so that the film industry can glance at their respective fields. Of course with the ISFF, the motivation to channel ideas or characteristics that become selling points in working on films can be much higher "Of course, because there are prizes as a supporting factor. If you are an ISFF participant who wins a certain category, use it as a medium of self-promotion for the advancement of the Indonesian film industry," explained Anjas.

As additional information, ISFF 2022 with prizes of hundreds of millions has opened registration which will end until September 8, 2022. Information on registration can be checked at The total prizes in this event reach hundreds of millions of rupiah and the announcement of the winners will be held on the awarding night which will be held and broadcast on November 17, 2022.

In this ISFF 2022 event, Indodax also held a free film workshop hosted by Angga Dwimas Sasongko. Not only that, the winner of the Best Short Film category will get a private class together with Anjas Maradita.

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