
JAKARTA - The government through the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that to achieve the goals in efforts to deal with climate change required the participation of all stakeholders.

According to him, collaboration can be realized by building a financing ecosystem that is green in nature.

"That's why Indonesia also needs to build an ecosystem of all climate change financing," he said through a virtual channel during the G20 side event in Bali on Wednesday, July 13.

The Minister of Finance added that handling climate change does not only need to be carried out by PLN, Pertamina, the Ministry of Finance, and related ministries, but also needs the support of a financing ecosystem.

For this reason, his party together with Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority continue to seek the right taxonomy for climate finance.

In addition, at the global level, the discussion of this taxonomy has also been discussed at the ASEAN level.

“When you pollute with carbon emissions it belongs to the whole world. But when you reduce CO2, you create benefits for the whole world. That's why taxonomy needs to be discussed at the regional and even global level," he said.

The state treasurer also said that Indonesia was committed to reducing carbon emissions in order to avoid the threat of climate change.

He said these efforts and commitments require close coordination and collaboration with all stakeholders, especially in the midst of a challenging geopolitical situation like today.

"Climate change cannot go away by itself. It can only be avoided if we work together," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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