
JAKARTA - The Director General of Horticulture at the Ministry of Agriculture, Prihasto Setyanto, suspects that the current increase in the price of chili and shallots in the country is due to weather conditions and plant pests.

"Especially for shallots and chilies, the data recorded by us at this time with the existing anomalies, indeed many special lands in the lowlands are attacked by plant-disturbing organisms," said Prihasto in his written statement, Sunday, June 19.

Furthermore, Prihasto admitted that he had prepared further steps to control fungal pests and diseases. It is recorded that more than 2,000 hectares have been handled quickly and measurably.

"What is certain is that the current anomalous conditions have caused some areas (lowlands) that used to plant chilies to switch to plants that are more active in rainy conditions, more active in water conditions. shallots, there are some areas that they are more than at risk due to heavy rains, so they plant crops other than shallots," explained Prihasto.

Cheap Market Degree

In response to the increase in shallots and chilies, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) held a low-cost market specifically for onions and chilies at the Toko Tani Indonesia Center (TTIC) Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. In this activity, the government prepares 15 tons of onions and chilies which are sold at a price of Rp. 32 thousand per kilogram and various chilies are sold at Rp. 59 thousand per kilogram.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (Mentan SYL) said that the cheap market activity was the government's effort to prepare cheap and quality food for the needs of Jakarta residents. All of these horti products are harvested by farmers in the Temanggung and Wonosobo food estate areas.

Syahrul ensured that all horticultural productivity was currently sufficient. There is no shortage or scarcity.

"The nature of onions and chilies is fluctuating. Now, thank God, if it goes up, it means farmers like it. But remember, we also have to think about this country together," said Syahrul.

For information, based on the Market Monitoring System and Basic Needs of the Ministry of Trade as of June 17, the price of red cayenne pepper is Rp. 89,900 per kilogram. This price increased compared to June 10 where the price of red chili was Rp61,400. Then, the price of shallots is Rp. 52,300 per kilogram. This price increased compared to June 10 where the price of shallots was Rp. 42,100.

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