
JAKARTA - The government has decided to adjust the electricity tariffs for non-subsidized household customers for groups of 3,500 VA and above (R2 and R3) and government groups (P1, P2 and P3) which will be implemented starting July 1, 2022. Meanwhile, for other customer groups, it is not yet available. there is a tariff adjustment, including all business and industrial customers, which includes MSME customers.

This policy was also welcomed by the Engineering Resort Manager Pulau H, Thousand Islands, Jakarta, Mastum. He admitted that he was greatly helped by the electricity supplied by submarine cables by PLN.

"I admit that the support from the government by not increasing electricity rates is very good for us. It really helps the economy on a tourist island like ours," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, June 15.

Furthermore, he also mentioned that compared to before the presence of electricity from PLN, the operation of tourist destinations in the Thousand Islands is now much easier. Moreover, full support from PLN is also very responsive so that it is able to meet all needs, both resort managers and tourists.

"We as administrators in the field since there is electricity on this island, thank God it is not difficult compared to using a generator," he added.

Likewise, the owner of the Mampirro Restaurant in South Jakarta, Yulianti, is grateful that small and medium-sized businesses like herself are not affected by the electricity tariff adjustment policy that will be implemented by the government.

"The government's policy of not increasing electricity for business rates is very helpful for our restaurant business. Because our business has only just grown after the pandemic," said Yulianti.

Appreciation also came from the owner of Hasan Wijaya's business, Riyanto, who is currently a PLN class I3 customer with an installed power of 233,000 VA. For entrepreneurs like himself, this policy is proof that the government is committed to supporting the development of the business world.

"Thank you for supporting the business world so that electricity rates do not increase," he said.

He added that the support of a good electricity supply from PLN, rare blackouts and responsive service, had proven to help the business world to be able to develop according to the government's expectations.

PLN's Vice President of Corporate Communications, Gregorius Adi Trianto, also stated that according to President Joko Widodo's direction, the government did not apply tariff adjustments, especially to the industrial and business sectors because so far these two sectors are important components in supporting the national economy.

According to him, this step is a form of state concern and proof that the state is present in maintaining the national economic recovery.

"The adjustment is only applied to the upper middle class with relatively strong economic conditions. Of course, their energy needs in their homes are also large, different from those who receive subsidies," explained Gregory.

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