
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) has succeeded in operating the Lombok 150 kV high-voltage system Looping worth Rp1.7 trillion. The existence of this electricity infrastructure will improve PLN's services in meeting the increasing electricity demand.

General Manager of the Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Development Main Unit, Wahidin said, the operation of the Looping 150 kV Lombok high voltage system was marked by the provision of the first voltage to the 150 kV Switching–Tanjung High Voltage Air Line (SUTT) transmission line system, and the 150 kV Mataram Incomer SUTT.

This electricity infrastructure is a transmission system with an operational voltage of 150 kV which stretches around the island of Lombok across 5 regencies/cities.

"This looping system is an interconnection of a 150 kV high-voltage network as a liaison between power plants which are the backbone of electricity generation in the Lombok Island electricity system," Wahidin said in an official statement, Monday, June 13.

Wahidin revealed, the electrical system with a circuit length of 522 kilometers (kms) is supported by 861 tower footprints and the average distance between tower footprints is 300 meters, and is supported by 12 substations with a total capacity of 800 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA). To build the Looping Lombok high voltage system, PLN invested more than IDR 1.7 trillion.

According to Wahidin, looping the high-voltage interconnection network between substations and between interconnected power plants will increase reliability on the customer service side because the distribution of the electrical load is more stable.

To note, the electricity system on the island of Lombok has a capacity of 284.32 megawatts (MW) with a load of 271.06 MW. With a power reserve of 13.26 MW, PLN is ready to welcome investment and fulfill the electricity needs of the general public properly.

"This electricity infrastructure is a National Strategic Project which is a big agenda for the government to meet the people's electrical energy needs," said Wahidin.

The main priority in the development of electricity infrastructure carried out by PLN is certain to provide various benefits, including increasing electricity supply to the community, increasing the reliability of the electrical system, being a driving force for the community's economy, development and industry, as well as a reduction in the cost of supplying electricity (BPP). .

He said that this development was faced with formidable obstacles, the very challenging landscape of Lombok Island, access to each tower site that had to pass through forests, mountains, steep slope contours, and social challenges.

"The challenges we face to realize the mandate of this system are very diverse, from the contractual side, social problems, and pandemic conditions, so we express our high gratitude to all parties and stakeholders who have played a role in the success of this development achievement," he concluded.

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