
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) held the first planting of corn in Tanjung Pakis Village, Pakisjaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java.

This activity is a series of special regional developments in West Java Province for the 2022 fiscal year.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (Mentan SYL) said that the government encouraged the community to carry out integrated planting, both at the time of taking seeds and selling harvested produce.

"I want to say that agriculture is great, sir. If we want to improve the family economy, if we want to raise the spirits of the people, the answer is agriculture, sir," Syahrul said, quoted on Sunday, June 12, 2022.

Syahrul said, from the planned 200 hectares, corn planting in the special area of Karawang is expected to expand to 1000 hectares.

Moreover, Karawang is a fertile district that has relatively large amounts of water.

Regarding capital, he said, the public can access their capital through the People's Business Credit (KUR) program for agriculture which has low-interest rates.

This service can be accessed by farmers and the general public who are serious about developing farming businesses.

"Corn is promising, sir. One hectare yields IDR 14 million. Because one hectare of corn produces 6 tons. 6 tons multiplied by IDR 5,000 is 60 million, how much does this cost, starting from seeds, fertilizers, and medicines, no more than 8 million But don't think about waiting for help. The government has little money. The money for financing only uses KUR," said Syahrul.

He added that so far, agriculture is a sector that has many advantages.

Including being the main contributory sector in growing the national economy which was mired in the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world.

"During COVID-19, which contributed to this republic so that inflation did not rise, it was the best in the world because agriculture was the support, sir. Agriculture increased by 16.42. Agricultural exports rose 38 percent and contributed above 2000 trillion," he said.

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