
JAKARTA - A total of 3,480,356 tons or approximately 3.4 million tons of subsidized fertilizers have been distributed until May 2022 nationally by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) appointed by the government to provide fertilizer for farmers.

"So the distribution has reached 38 percent of the total 9,118,057 tons of applications or allocations based on district office decrees for 2022," said VP of Sales for Region 5 Kalimantan at PT Pupuk Indonesia Roh Eddy Andri W in Banjarmasin, quoted from Antara, Monday 6 June.

In addition to the five types of solid subsidized fertilizers, namely Urea, SP-36, ZA, NPK, and Organic Granules, 59,003 tons of liquid organic have been distributed or 3 percent of the 1,870,380 tons of SK Office submissions.

The three provinces with the most allocation of subsidized fertilizer distribution this year are East Java 2,257,526 tons, Central Java 1,562,383 tons and West Java 1,243,907 tons.

Eddy said that the ability to provide subsidized fertilizers means that Pupuk Indonesia provides a total of 14,568,816 tons consisting of 1,338,549 tons of stock forecast at the beginning of the year and 13,230,267 tons of planned production in 2022. Meanwhile, non-subsidized fertilizers are 3,834,500 tons with reserves of 1,616,259 tons. .

For liquid organic fertilizer, the production capacity (Petrokimia Gresik) is 3.2 million liters and the allocation set by the government is 1,870,380 liters. The remaining stock at the end of 2022 is 1,616,259 tons to secure the initial stock in 2023.

"To support business activities and meet the need for subsidized fertilizers, Pupuk Indonesia has a production capacity of 14.17 million tons per year," explained Eddy.

Ensuring the distribution of subsidized fertilizer is right on target to farmers, Pupuk Indonesia regulates from Line I (factories) to distributors in Line III (warehouses) and retailers in Line IV (kiosks) to farmer groups and is registered in the electronic system of the Definitive Plan for Group Needs or eRDKK after going through tiered verification and validation until it is validated by the Kadistan of districts and cities.

It is known that the highest retail price (HET) for subsidized fertilizers in 2022 for SP-36 is Rp. 2,400 per kg, ZA is Rp. 1,700 per kg, NPK is Rp. 2,300 per kg, urea is Rp. 2,250 per kg, organic granules are Rp. 800 per kg, organic liquid Rp. 20,000 per liter and special NPK Rp. 3,300 per kg.

However, Eddy explained that the HET could not be fulfilled because the first purchase was not in the complete package, the second payment was not in cash, and the third asked for fertilizer to be delivered to a certain location.

"So the HET provisions apply in accordance with Permendag 15/2013 if purchased at authorized retailers, in cash and in intact packaging units," he said.

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