
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture is optimistic that the local nail and mouth disease (PMK) vaccine will be completed in approximately 3 months. While waiting for the results of the local PMK vaccine, the Ministry of Agriculture is also exploring the import of PMK vaccine.

Director General of Livestock and Animal Health (Dirjen PKH) Nasrullah said the Ministry of Agriculture plans to import 3 million doses of PMK vaccine from France. However, for the initial stage, the plan is to import 1 million doses.

"We are preparing for the 1 million (dose) that is in our state budget," Nasrullah said during a hearing with Commission IV of the DPR, Thursday, June 2.

For your information, the Ministry of Agriculture emphasizes that the importation of the PMK vaccine is not for selling vaccines. However, as an emergency relief effort in the face of Eid al-Adha.

In response to this, the Chairman of Commission IV DPR Sub-Department doubted the data submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture. The reason is, Sub-Department admitted that he received information that there was no vaccine purchase agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and the French.

"As far as I know, France has not had a deal with you, I just checked France, there is no deal to buy 3 million vaccines," said Sudin.

The Sub-Department requested that if the purchase of vaccines cannot be obtained from France, then they can be purchased from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam or Australia.

"If there is no budget, while we are working together, refocusing," he said.

Furthermore, the Sub-Department also assessed that if you only bought 3 million doses of PMK vaccine, it would not be enough to vaccinate a population of about 18 million livestock animals.

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