
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported that tax revenues until April 2022 experienced a significant growth of 51.5 percent year on year (yoy) to Rp567.69 trillion.

Director of Potential, Compliance and Revenue of DGT Ihsan Priyawibawa said that the book was much higher than April 2021's record of IDR 374.7 trillion.

"Our revenue in April was extraordinary, amounting to Rp. 567 trillion, equivalent to 44.88 percent of this year's target," he said when giving a statement to the media crew in Jakarta on Friday, May 27.

According to Ihsan, the realization of tax revenues for the April 2022 period alone reached IDR 245 trillion. This figure has skyrocketed when compared to previous months, such as in January of Rp. 109 trillion, February of Rp. 90 trillion, and March of Rp. 123 trillion.

"The very high growth in tax revenue in April was caused by several factors, such as the annual corporate income tax which is in line with the due date for submitting the SPT, increasing economic transactions in Ramadan, as well as a partial shift in the payment of PPh 21 and THR to April," he said.

In detail, Ihsan explained that the value of non-oil and gas PPh that has been collected so far is IDR 382.8 trillion or 54 percent of the target.

Then, PPN and PPnBM of IDR 192.1 trillion or 34.6 percent of the target, PBB and other taxes of IDR 2.4 trillion or 8.1 percent of the target, and oil and gas PPh of IDR 30 trillion or 64.8 percent of the target set.

"The performance of taxation throughout the year was also supported by three things, namely the increase in commodity prices, increasingly expansive economic growth, and a low tax base in the previous year," concluded Ihsan.

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