
JAKARTA - The Chief Executive of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) Lana Soelistianingsih revealed that his party will guarantee all types of deposits, both in commercial and digital banks.

However, Lana continued, there are several conditions so that customer deposits in digital banks are guaranteed by LPS.

"Customers must also be proactive in seeking information related to this matter, because it is the customer's right to obtain complete and complete information regarding the interest rates set by the bank," Lana said in a press conference quoted on Friday, May 27.

According to Lana, LPS will continue to monitor which banks provide deposit interest that exceeds the guaranteed interest rate (TBP).

LPS will also ask these banks to inform their customers regarding the terms of deposit insurance.

In accordance with applicable regulations, Lana said, banks are required to notify customers of the applicable TBP of deposits by placing the information in a place that is easily known by customers.

"If a depositing customer receives an interest yield exceeding the TBP, then the customer's deposit does not meet the LPS guarantee criteria," continued Lana.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the LPS Board of Commissioners, Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, said LPS would summon and announce the name of the digital bank to the public if it was not transparent about the current guarantee interest rate.

"Digital banks are also required to participate in the LPS guarantee program, so they pay a premium as well, what is not guaranteed is those that do not meet the 3T," said Purbaya.

For information, 3T is a requirement set by LPS so that deposits can be guaranteed, namely; First, it is recorded in the bank's books.

Personal data and a list of customer deposits are recorded in the bank's books. Therefore, keep all proof of banking transactions.

Second, the interest rate received does not exceed the LPS guarantee interest rate. LPS, he continued, urges bank customers to be wise in receiving cashback from banks.

Lastly, do not take actions that are detrimental to the bank, such as not having bad credit and paying off loan obligations on time.

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