
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) since the beginning of the year until Wednesday May 11 has succeeded in drilling 145 new wells, or an average of more than one well per day.

This hard work is to achieve the target of drilling 400-500 new wells in the Rokan working area (WK) this year.

The drilling of new wells in the Rokan WK has so far contributed an average of more than 12,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), so as to maintain production levels in the second largest oil and gas WK in the country.

"Contribution from development wells continues to show an upward trend. PHR will add more rigs in order to increase production at WK Rokan," said PHR President Director Jaffee A Suardin in a statement to the media, Wednesday 18 May.

He continued, PHR plans to increase the number of rigs to 26 drilling rigs and 47 workover/well service (WOWS) rigs.

Until last April, PHR operated 19 drilling rigs and 28 WOWS rigs.

Jafree explained, WK Rokan contributed a third of Pertamina's total oil production or almost a quarter of the national production with an average annual production of around 160,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) in 2021 since the transfer of management.

"All of the lifting results of the Rokan WK are also intended for consumption by Pertamina's domestic refineries to support national energy security," he said.

Jaffee admitted that his party succeeded in improving the performance of the Rokan WK after the transfer of management, namely increasing production levels, lower lifting costs, increasing investment value and massive-aggressive drilling activities.

He also explained the role of WK Rokan in the development of digitalization in the Pertamina Upstream Subholding environment and the construction of a Solar Power Plant (PLTS).

For information, PHR WK Rokan donated state revenues of around Rp. 9 trillion for the period August-December 2021.

The contribution consists of Rp6.5 trillion of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) and Rp2.5 trillion in the form of payment of PPh, VAT, and regional taxes.

"This contribution is a tangible manifestation of the direct benefits of the presence of PHR operations to the state, region, and community after the transfer of management of the Rokan WK on August 9, 2021. The upstream oil and gas industry has an important role for state revenue and development capital," said Jafree.

In addition to trying to increase state revenues, PHR is also committed to continuing to increase the portion of the domestic component level (TKDN) to strengthen the national component. Currently, the TKDN in PHR reaches more than 60 percent.

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