
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has accelerated the construction of the Keureuto Dam which is included in one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN).

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the Krueng Keureuto River in North Aceh Regency was the main cause of flooding in Lhoksukon City and its surroundings.

"The Krueng Keureuto River belongs to the fan branch type with several tributaries. There are six tributaries that contribute to the flow into the Krueng Keureuto channel, causing high flood peaks in the downstream area," Minister Basuki said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday 12 May.

The dam, which is located in Paya Bakong District, North Aceh, has now achieved physical progress of 65.63 percent. This means that the Keureuto Dam will soon be used by the local community. Keureuto Dam has the main function to collect water from the Krueng Keureuto river.

With a capacity of 215.94 million cubic meters, the Keureuto Dam is also designed to have a special flood reservoir of around 30.39 million cubic meters or 501.49 cubic meters/second, so as to reduce flood discharge up to a 50-year return period in the Aceh Region. North. In addition, the Keureuto Dam will also function to provide irrigation water capable of irrigating an area of 9,420 hectares consisting of an intensification of the Alue Ubay Irrigation Area (DI) covering an area of 2,743 hectares and an extension of DI Pasee Kanan covering an area of 6,677 hectares.

Head of the Sumatra I River Basin, Heru Setiawan, said the Keureuto Dam will also meet the water needs of the local community.

"This dam will provide raw water with a capacity of 0.5 m³ per second, and is also used as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) with a capacity of 6.34 MW, so that in general the Keureuto Dam is a multifunctional dam that can benefit the people of North Aceh, " said Heru.

The Keureuto Dam is one of the largest dams in Sumatra which was built by the Ministry of PUPR through the Sumatra River Region 1 Directorate General of Water Resources as an effort to realize water security and food sovereignty in Aceh Province.

The construction of the dam, which began in 2015 with a budget of Rp. 2.68 trillion from the state budget, was carried out in stages through four packages. Through contractors, PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)-PT. Pelita Nusa Perkasa (KSO) for package 1, PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk for package 2, PT. Hutama Karya-Perapen for package 3, and Abipraya - Indra - Nusa, KSO for the Completion Package.

The government through the Ministry of PUPR is committed to completing the construction of 61 dams in the period 2014 - 2024, of which until 2021 have completed 29 dams and the remaining 32 dams are under construction (on going). Of the 61 dams, 52 dams have potential utilization for irrigation services spread over 71 Irrigation Areas (DI) consisting of 16 DI sourced from completed dams and 55 DI from on-going dams.

It is hoped that the construction of a dam followed by premium irrigation can increase the productivity of the agricultural sector in Indonesia.

"Pelindo will continue to strive to maintain the smooth flow of goods and passengers at the port through operational readiness 24 hours for 7 days, with reliable human resources, supported by technology and a renewable digitalization system to reach all port service activities," he said.

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