
JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) noted that the consumption level of Pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM) during the peak of Eid homecoming in 2022 increased to 46 percent.

"It is extraordinary that the Pertalite type of fuel has a very high increase of 46 percent on D-1 during the homecoming flow," said Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, to reporters, Wednesday, May 11.

He detailed that gasoline consumption nationally increased 26 percent in the 2022 Eid homecoming. This figure missed the initial estimate of only 11 percent.

Meanwhile, the highest distribution occurred on the H-1 of Eid, which was 36 percent compared to normal daily sales.

Erika also reported a decrease in consumption of gas oil by 13 percent from the normal daily average consumption.

Meanwhile, for Lebaran backflow, there was a 12 percent increase for gasoline type fuel which received the highest demand on H+3 Eid by 29 percent against the normal daily average sales.

"Meanwhile, gas oil fell 40 percent against normal sales, that's the national average," he said.

Erika also said that there were several points that recorded a significant spike in consumption, namely Central Java, such as Brebes, which recorded an increase in consumption reaching 813 KL per day, or an increase of 120 percent compared to the normal average of only 368 KL per day.

Not only for road trips, BPH Migas also recorded an increase in aircraft fuel consumption, avtur was reported to have increased by 24 percent from normal sales.

"Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, the soaring use of aviation fuel is based on a surge in aircraft use. In which, there were 1,130 flights with 150,000 passengers and this is the highest record since the pandemic," concluded Erika.

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