
JAKARTA - Limau Field Senior Manager Zulfikar Akbar confirmed that the explosion that occurred at Gas Compressor Station I (SKG I), Central Kemang Village, Rambang Kapak Tengah, Prabumulih, South Sumatra, on Monday 9 May, did not originate from a gas pipeline.

Zulfikar said the explosion came from gas vapor or condensate that had accumulated around the oil pit and burning swamp.

"What is clear is that it wasn't a pipe explosion, because our pipeline was in good condition and yesterday morning SKG I was operating normally," he said in a statement to VOI, Tuesday, May 10.

Previously, in an official statement received by VOI, Senior Manager Relations of Pertamina Subholding Upstream Regional Sumatra Yudy Nugraha revealed, the location of the incident was behind the fence between Pertamina EP (PEP) Limau Field operating facilities and PT Titis Sampurna.

The location of SKG 1 and its operations were not affected.

After the fire incident was discovered, Pertamina's Emergency Response Team immediately went to the location to extinguish it.

"The fire was extinguished at around 8:00 am. The location of the incident has been installed with a dividing line to prevent unauthorized parties from entering the area," said Yudy.

Yudy added that the cause of the incident is still being investigated.

“PEP Limau Field and PT Titis Sampurna are conducting a joint investigation to determine the cause of the fire. We have reported this incident to the relevant local government,” said Yudy.

In addition to being quick to extinguish the fire, PEP Limau Field is also alert to assist the victims of the incident in Kemang Tanduk Village. Both are receiving the best treatment in the form of observation and treatment by a team of doctors at Pertamina Prabumulih Hospital.

"We are deeply concerned and sympathize with the two victims. Pertamina and Titis Sampurna will be fully responsible. The two victims are planned to be referred to RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang to receive more intensive treatment," concluded Yudy.

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