
JAKARTA - The company owned by the conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk (IATA) will increase its capital with pre-emptive rights (PMHMETD) or rights issue of 14,840,555,748 series B shares with a nominal value of Rp50.

In the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, which was quoted on Thursday, April 28, this action was also accompanied by the issuance of a maximum of 2,968,111,149 series B shares which were given free of charge as incentives for the company's shareholders and/or shareholders. Rights that exercise their rights.

In addition, the company also plans to hold additional capital without pre-emptive rights (PMTHMETD) aka private placement of 1,141,581,211 series B shares with a nominal value of Rp50 or a maximum of 10 percent of all fully paid shares in the company as many as 11,415,812,114. share.

Regarding the above matters, IATA will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) on Wednesday, 18 May 2022. The EGMS will be held in conjunction with the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS).

For information, all funds obtained in order to increase capital with Pre-emptive Rights after deducting costs related to the implementation of additional capital with Pre-emptive Rights will be used for settlement of PT MNC Investama Tbk (BHIT) claim rights against the company based on the promissory note issued by the company in the context of the takeover. PT Bhakti Coal Resources. In addition, the funds will also be used as additional working capital for the company.

Regarding the private placement, the company's management concluded that this PMTHMETD will provide benefits in the form of reserves for increasing the company's working capital.

The board of directors explained that MNC Energy does not yet have information regarding prospective investors who will implement PMTHMETD. All new shares of the company will be offered to all shareholders and the public.

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