
JAKARTA - Along with the increasing population using the internet, Indonesia is currently the largest e-commerce market in Southeast Asia with a contribution of up to fifty percent of all recorded transactions. With the increase in online business and sales in e-commerce in Indonesia, the need for smart warehouses continues to increase.

But unfortunately, for a logistics operation in the digital era, the warehousing system is still a problem and a solution needs to be given immediately. Especially if the logistics players and corporations want efficiency and increase productivity.

These conditions have made LODI Indonesia a technology-based logistics company to provide solutions for enterprise-scale businesses with a warehousing management system called Leanbox WMS.

With this system, every activity, both in managing the receipt of goods (Inbound), inventory management (Inventory Management), and handling goods out (Outbound) can be carried out effectively and efficiently. In addition, with a WMS solution that is integrated with e-commerce or marketplace, it can make the order handling process faster and more accurate.

CEO of LODI Indonesia, Yan Hendry Jauwena, said that warehousing management system software or WMS is not an option but a necessity.

"WMS Leanbox which is the work of the nation's children is ready to be given to help overcome logistical problems in the country," he said, in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 20.

Meanwhile, CTO of LODI Indonesia, Pandu Pradhana, believes that a smart warehouse will operate more optimally using Leanbox.

"Leanbox is designed not only to support today's rapidly changing business needs, but also to adapt to various operational styles without compromising data integrity and security," he said.

The advantage of using Leanbox for business owners is that Leanbox WMS is created with a separate ecosystem for each user, thus ensuring business security and confidentiality. This platform also provides customization options for business people who have specific needs related to their warehouse operations.

In terms of resources, the LODI internal team will be ready to help resolve technical problems from users. All of these WMS ecosystems are supported by an intuitive dashboard display that provides various information related to warehouse activities and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

Leanbox WMS is intended for business owners with medium to high transaction volumes, and who already have an internal operations team running the warehouse.

"With the presence of this platform, LODI hopes that the online sales ecosystem in Indonesia will be stronger and more indulgent for consumers out there," he said.

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