
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has yet to make an official announcement regarding the determination of the holiday allowance (THR) for Civil Servants (PNS).

Usually, the official broadcast will be delivered directly by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani as state treasurer about two weeks before Eid. Meanwhile, the provisions for THR are regulated through a Government Regulation (PP) which is then followed up in a Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK).

For information, last year the government released PP 63/2021 and PMK Number 42/PMK.05/2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of THR and Thirteenth Salaries. In the regulation, the THR 2021 value is set at IDR 30.8 trillion.

This figure is an accumulation of holiday allowances for central civil servants, the TNI, and the Police of Rp. 7 trillion. Then, for ASN in the local government environment or regional civil servants and first aid, it is stated that it is Rp. 14.8 trillion. As for retirees, it is Rp. 9 trillion.

This THR itself is given no later than 10 days before Eid and can also be given after the Eid momentum has passed depending on the situation and conditions.

No performance allowance (Tukin)

As is well known, the provision of THR in the last two years was not accompanied by the calculation of the performance allowance.

In 2020, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani adopted a policy of providing THR only for ASN echelon III and below with details of the basic salary and attached allowances without tukin.

Meanwhile, the total THR 2020 budget is IDR 29.36 trillion, consisting of central ASN, TNI, Polri IDR 6.7 trillion, pensioners IDR 8.70 trillion, and regional ASN IDR 13.89 trillion.

Meanwhile, for 2021, the conditions are not much different. The government decided not to give a tukin with the argument of refocusing the budget to deal with the COVID-19 delta variant, which at that time was indeed increasing rapidly.

Fortunately, the state guarantees that the 13th paycheck will still be carried out and disbursed at the end of June to July every year.

Until now, the announcement about THR for ASN is still being awaited and it is not known for certain whether the government will again cut performance allowances.

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