
JAKARTA - Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita visited the National Police Headquarters in the context of a joint meeting with the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The meeting discussed the acceleration of supply to the realization of the highest retail price (HET) for bulk palm cooking oil.

Agus said the supply acceleration was carried out so that the bulk palm cooking oil (MGS) program at the set HET price could be realized in the field, in this case at the retail level.

As is known, the government through the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi has set the highest retail price for bulk palm cooking oil at IDR 14.000 on March 16, 2022.

"So the acceleration that we discussed with the National Police Chief and his staff is the acceleration of supply outside of production from producers, there is also an acceleration related to HET of IDR 14.000 at the retail level that can be achieved," he said at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday, April 4.

Furthermore, Agus said that the progress of the bulk MGS program has been seen. However, he admitted that it was still not in line with the government's expectations.

"It was determined by the government on March 16 and now on April 4 we see progress, although the progress is still not in line with what we expected," he said.

To encourage the realization of the program as expected, Agus said, monitoring is carried out starting from where the oil comes out at the production level to the producer. According to him, so far there have been 72 companies that have participated in the bulk MGS program.

"To date, we have issued 72 contracts. This means that 72 companies that we have contracted with have joined the bulk palm cooking oil program," he said.

"And we have in the contract actually covered a sufficient amount for national needs per day and covered wherever the producer had to carry out distribution in their respective work areas," he continued.

According to Agus, the regulations that have been issued, namely Permenperin 8/2022, are adequate. It even regulates, including sanctions for companies that do not comply with the rules outlined in the Permenperin.

For example, Agus said, regulating producers whose production does not match the amount allocated by the Ministry of Industry. Then, there are actions related to repacking, repacking.

This includes the bulk palm cooking oil program that cannot be distributed at all to medium or large industries.

"This is also what we will monitor in the field," he said.

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