
JAKARTA - The increase in the price of Pertamax fuel (RON 92) for the first time in the last three years, could have an impact on increasing demand for Pertalite. Moreover, the current price of Pertalite is the cheapest at IDR 7.650 per liter and its status has changed from non-subsidized fuel to assignment fuel.

For this reason, Pertamina anticipates that people will switch to using RON 90 or Pertalite fuel.

President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Subholding Commercial & Trading Pertamina Alfian Nasution predicts the spike in pertalite consumption will only be temporary and will return to normal. He also realized that there was a 15 percent increase in Pertalite fuel consumption.

"We at Pertamina believe that this 10 to 15 percent spike is only temporary and will return to normal," he said in CNBC Indonesia's Squawk Box Monday, April 4.

However, Pertamina continues to provide products both at the terminal and at gas stations to keep the pertalite stock safe. Alfian ensured that the stock of pertalie was still at a safe level of 19 days.

"We also have special programs to prevent Pertamax consumers from switching to Pertalite through gifts or other promos," said Alfian.

In addition, continued Alfian, Pertamina is also intensively educating consumers about high-quality fuel and environmentally friendly fuel so that it is hoped that this consumer shift will not last long.

Meanwhile, the Pertalite quota for this year is set at 23.05 million kl. Based on the realization of distribution until February 2022, a spike in consumption has occurred.

By the end of this year, Pertalite consumption is predicted to increase to 26.5 million kl or 15 percent above the quota of 23.05 million kl.

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