
JAKARTA - The plan to increase the value added tax (VAT) on share transactions to 11 percent has received various responses from capital market players. Securities companies are no exception.

As stated in Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP), the increase in the rate of Value Added Tax (VAT), including for stock transactions, is 11 percent. Article 7 paragraph (1) of the HPP Law stipulates a VAT rate of 11 percent which will take effect on April 1, 2022.

One of them is PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, which fully supports the government's policy regarding the VAT rate. However, Indo Premier decided to absorb the 1 percent VAT increase and not increase the stock transaction fee as did some Exchange Members (AB) or other securities companies.

"Indo Premier Sekuritas supports the government in its efforts to maintain the domestic economic recovery through this VAT policy," said PT Indo Premier Sekuritas Head of Marketing & Retail, Paramita Sari in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 30.

In response to this policy, he added, Indo Premier does not want to charge an increase to its customers. Indo Premier bears the difference of 1 percent increase, so customers only need to pay 10 percent VAT.

"Relax, we will bear the difference in the increase and will not burden the customer. In addition, Indo Premier will not increase the free stock transaction," he said.

It is known that the stock transaction fee at Indo Premier is a Buy Fee of 0.19 percent per transaction and a Selling Fee of 0.29 percent per transaction. The transaction fees at Indo Premier are commensurate with the various facilities and free education provided to customers, so that customers remain calm and comfortable in every transaction to gain money.

"With this decision, IPOT investors can remain calm in their trading and investment. The increase in the VAT rate on share transactions will not be a negative sentiment and with this Indo Premier policy we are also optimistic that the investment interest of novice and retail stock investors will not fade," he concluded.

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