
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) asked the government to intervene to resolve the polemic on the price of Pertamax fuel oil (BBM) and not to leave PT Pertamina (Persero) in the midst of a dilemmatic choice.

This is in line with the current selling price of Pertamax in the market, which is already too cheap compared to its economic price which is at the level of IDR 14,526 per liter. Even though as is known, Pertamina still sells the Pertamax Series at a price range of IDR 9,000 to IDR 9,400 per liter.

"Indeed, the Pertamax price is purely a matter of Pertamina's corporate approach, because it (Pertamina) is not subsidized fuel. But in my opinion, the government should step in. At least support (Pertamina). So for example Pertamina has decided to increase prices, don't then wash your hands ' or as if they don't know the situation. (The government) must support (Pertamina)," said YLKI chairman, Tulus Abadi, to the media, Wednesday, March 23.

Or even if it is deemed necessary, according to Tulus, the government can also take over the announcement of the Pertamax price increase from Pertamina and then carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). "So that people can be calmer, that this price increase is already known to the government. So that if there are protests, criticisms, and so on, Pertamina will not be the target of shooting. The government must install an agency for Pertamina," said Tulus.

However, if the government is not brave enough to take the risk, continued Tulus, then the logical consequence is that the government must be willing to pay compensation to Pertamina in the amount of the difference between the selling price and the economic price which makes Pertamina lose. "So you just have to choose, you want to pay the price difference or install an agency to be responsible for the Pertamax price increase. So don't let the government take refuge behind Pertamina for this price increase option," said Tulus.

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