
JAKARTA - Wednesday, March 23, IKP Kominfo and DPR RI held a Digital Forum with the theme "MSME Welfare with Digital Technology". This discussion forum was filled by several speakers and presenters.

This event began with remarks from Alimin Abdullah as a Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives who expressed his hope that participants would understand properly the use of technology as a means for digital business for the welfare of MSMEs in Indonesia.

Then continued by the second speaker, Dewi Susilorini as Coordinator of the Sub-Directorate for the Economy II, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, who shared lessons on how to develop technology through digital business to improve the quality of the economy in Indonesia, and how the government seeks to evenly distribute technology in digital business, especially in the city of Lampung.

In 2022, Indonesia has received the mandate of the G20 Presidency which shows that the country has begun to play a global role. Therefore, as a society, we must be ready with digital transformation for a more advanced Indonesia.

To achieve this, of course, the government has a competency development training program that has been provided to Indonesian digital talent human resources, including:

- Digital Industry Academy, which is a collaboration between Kominfo and universities - National Movement for Digital Literacy Ciber Kreasi, which is a digital literacy program for the production of positive content that collaborates with 116 communities to reach millions of participants - Digital Talent Scholarship, which is a program to prepare human resources ready to work towards the industrial revolution 4.0 by conduct trainings - Development of digital economy human resources with the Go On Time MSMEs, namely collaboration with the marketplace

​Then continued with the presentation of the second speaker, namely Muktiar, as the Director of KPPS BMT who explained material on ways to develop MSMEs through digital businesses so that people can develop their MSMEs by adjusting to the current technology-based era.

With digital business technology, people will be able to continue to improve their economy even under any conditions. To improve the welfare of our MSMEs as Indonesian people, we have to learn a lot by seeing opportunities and conquering challenges. If seen, the challenges of the industry globally are as follows:

- Digital industrialization eliminates 1-1.5 miles of jobs during 2015-2025 as it replaces humans with machines - It is estimated that 65 percent of the world's primary school students will be working in jobs that do not yet exist in this world

From these challenges, we can also see opportunities from the digital industry itself, such as:

- The digitalization era has the potential to increase the net workforce of up to 1.2 million jobs by 2025 - There is a potential for reducing carbon emissions up to 26 billion metric tons from industry, because everything is related to digital, it is hoped that paperless and activities can be more effective

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