
JAKARTA – Senior entrepreneur Mohammad Jusuf Hamka had the opportunity to discuss with the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani in a casual chat forum that was broadcast virtually.

At that moment, Jusuf told how his experience participated in the first volume of the tax amnesty program several years ago. He said he was eager to be able to participate in the government's strategic agenda.

"I'll be honest, ma'am, that day at the voluntary disclosure at the end of July I was called to Lapangan Banteng (Office of the Ministry of Finance) for socialization, but the place was very full. I was confused, I finally went to the KPP (Tax Service Office) according to my domicile,” he said, Wednesday, March 23.

Jusuf explained that he met the KPP officer and expressed his intention to pay taxes in accordance with the tax amnesty rules.

"I brought my list of assets and immediately met the mother of the KKP, her name was Rosmauli Sinaga. I said, my 35-year-old mother has no tax discipline, I want to confess my 'sin', please help me how to uncover this tax amnesty,” he said.

Long story short, Jusuf said that this officer had completed the entire administrative process and signaled the payment obligations that must be fulfilled.

“I was given an electronic bill. Then I pay," he said.

Jusuf then caught the gesture of the officer who did not believe that he had paid the payment with a very large tax value.

"I saw his body language he couldn't believe it. Then, I said, ma'am, when you receive the money, you will let me know. At 4 o'clock he just told me, the money has arrived, Mr. Jusuf," said the toll road entrepreneur.

For this noble intention, Jusuf was then given respect from the state as an example of an obedient taxpayer in the tax amnesty program. No kidding, he received symbolically a sign of tax payment in an official ceremony held by the government.

“Finally I became the first payer (in the tax amnesty program). I remember when Mrs. Sri Mulyani and Mr. Ito Warsito (former Managing Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange) gave me a sign of paying IDR 55 billion in taxes on the Stock Exchange," said Jusuf, which was followed by a smile from the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

For information, this discussion was held as an effort by the government to encourage taxpayers to report their annual tax returns which will end on March 31. In addition, this strategy is expected to further echo the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) or commonly called the tax amnesty volume II which will be held until June 30.

Quoting the broadcast of the Directorate General of Taxes, the Ministry of Finance, it is known that the number of PPS participants as of March 23, 2022 at 08.00 WIB is 26,860 taxpayers (WP). From them, 30,521 certificates were obtained with the amount of assets disclosed amounting to Rp. 38.8 trillion.

This figure consists of the declaration of domestic assets and repatriation of Rp. 33.8 trillion, foreign declaration of Rp. 2.6 trillion, and investment of Rp. 2.4 trillion.

Meanwhile, the net value that goes into the state treasury in the form of Income Tax (PPh) from taxpayers is IDR 4 trillion.

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