
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Royke Tumilaar said, BNI is ready to increase its efforts in working on the MSME segment, especially to be able to advance to class by penetrating the export market with coaching programs and business partnerships at BNI Xpora.

"The aspirations of shareholders have pushed us to go global. Therefore, BNI has started to encourage the export of MSME goods that have the potential to be promoted," said Royke in the Economic Outlook 2022, CNBC Indonesia, Tuesday, March 22.

He continued, BNI has a special strategy in developing the MSME segment. The company focuses on encouraging MSMEs to go productive, go digital, and go global. BNI encourages ecosystem and supply chain-based financing to ensure a more sustainable growth of MSME performance.

Royke said that the company will also help develop diaspora businesses located abroad so that they become more empowered and can help develop the economy through exported MSMEs.

"The company empowers MSME Exports and Diaspora, so that MSME actors do not only expand their business abroad, but also encourage the business development of Indonesian citizens living abroad," he said.

In addition to encouraging his MSMEs to export abroad, Royke said that one of the steps being taken is to develop Mayora bank into a digital bank.

"We are acquiring a bank that will become a digital bank so we can reduce operating costs. That way BNI can reach more MSMEs and MSMEs can go up to class," added Royke.

Previously, BNI planned to make Bank Mayora a digital bank that focuses on the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) segment. This is because the company is currently not working optimally on the MSME segment.

After the process is complete, BNI will own around 1.19 billion shares or represent 63.92 percent of the total issued and paid-up shares in Bank Mayora. While the remaining 673.31 million shares or 36.08 percent will be held by PT Mayora Inti Utama.

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