
JAKARTA - Director of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk Haryanto Budiman said Indonesia must be able to respond to new challenges related to money laundering or money laundering and terrorism financing. cryptocurrencies for which regulations may not exist or are inadequate," said Haryanto at the online G20 Indonesia 2022 National Seminar in Jakarta, Saturday 19 March. to avoid money laundering and terrorism financing. Money laundering is an attempt to hide the results of a criminal act, be it from acts of corruption, gambling, tax evasion, prostitution, to human trafficking. Haryanto believes that money laundering is a global issue that does not only occur in Indonesia. Indonesia, but also in many developed countries, so that However, Indonesia is the only G20 country that has not yet joined as a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which is an international organization related to money laundering.

However, currently the Indonesian government, which is led directly by the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Human Rights, assisted by the Minister of Finance, is trying to get Indonesia to become a member of the FATF. FATF members, there are a number of standard criteria that must be met by Indonesia, such as adequate legislation, strong supporting infrastructure, and many socialization and education programs for the wider community. "Hopefully we can be accepted in the not too distant future," he said. also hopes that with FATF membership, Indonesia can be stronger in fighting money laundering and terrorism financing.

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