
SUMBAR - The West Sumatran Police dispatched the Food Task Force to monitor mischievous acts of hoarding foodstuffs ahead of this year's Ramadan.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Satake Bayu, said the Food Task Force of the West Sumatra Police and its ranks had coordinated with cross-sectoral efforts to anticipate food shortages in the West Sumatra region.

"We have coordinated to prevent food shortages or related to price increases. But from the results of monitoring and coordination, the situation is still stable," he said in Padang, Antara, Monday, March 14.

Meanwhile, regarding indications of food hoarding, his party is currently conducting an investigation. "Until now there has been no hoarding of basic necessities and if it is found later, action will be taken," he said.

The West Sumatra Regional Police appealed to the entire community to buy goods, especially food needs, to buy enough and not excessively.

According to him, people should not make excessive purchases so that food stocks in the market are not lost.

"We advise distributors not to hoard food to take advantage," he said.

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