
JAKARTA - PT Sido Muncul Herbal and Pharmaceutical Industry Tbk (SIDO) seeks to increase the distribution of its products. The company also has a strategy to boost it, one of which is to expand the coverage of outlets to 150 thousand wholesalers.

"The strategic initiative to achieve our commitment in 2022 is starting from expanding outside and inside Java. We will expand our outlet coverage to 150 thousand wholesalers," said SIDO Finance Director Leonard during a virtual MNC Group Investor Forum 2022 event, Monday 14 March.

In addition, Sido Muncul will also expand its online business with its main focus on maximizing the marketplace and social media. This is done to increase public awareness of the SIDO Herbal Supplement product brand as part of a diversification strategy.

"Also, reaching out to new customers and launching customer loyalty programs for both B2C and B2B, new products, launching new RTD healthy drink variants and a new range of herbal supplement products," added Leonard.

Leonard further said, in the future SIDO wants to strengthen distribution and brand awareness to the reactivation of outlets and distribution expansion, penetration of online channels, and the launch of new products.

"We will expand to new countries, after being delayed due to pandemic, new country expansion is targeted from this year, with Southeast Asian countries and ECOWAS as main targets. Essential Oils - Focus on R&D to develop higher quality essential oils and explore targets market potential (EU & US)," he explained.

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