JAKARTA - When Putri Tanjung was proposed to by Guinandra Jatikusumo, a touching moment was recorded. Putri's father, businessman Chairul Tanjung, seemed to wipe the tears that came out when he heard his daughter being proposed by Guinandra.
Putri Tanjung was also seen to be moved and both wiped their tears. From the video uploaded by Putri Tanjung on her Instagram account, the touching moment occurred when Guinandra conveyed her intention to propose to her lover.
"From the bottom of my heart, with the sincerity and intention of my heart, I came with my family to ask for permission and blessing to propose and marry Putri," said Guinandra, quoted Monday, March 7.
Hearing the proposal, Putri said "If mom and dad approve, then I accept the proposal," said Putri.

However, after the touching moment, an atmosphere of laughter emerged. When Chairul Tanjung said the MC cut him off even though he had not yet said he had accepted the proposal.
"Not yet MC, it was said earlier that if mom and dad approve," he said, laughing, making the surroundings laugh too.

Putri Indahsari Tanjung is an Indonesian businesswoman and special staff member of the president. She is the eldest of two children born to Chairul Tanjung and Anita Tanjung.
Putri Tanjung has studied at the Academy of Art, United States of America. And in 2019, she was appointed to the Special Staff of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
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