
JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BTN) has completed the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), with one of the topics discussed regarding the use of net profit in 2021, which was recorded at IDR 2.37 trillion.

In a later meeting, it was decided that 10 percent of the total net profit, or IDR 237.62 billion, would be distributed to shareholders as cash dividends for the 2021 financial year.

"It was decided that the use of net profit for the 2021 fiscal year of 10 percent will be distributed as dividends and the remaining 90 percent will be designated as retained earnings", said BTN President Director, Haru Koesmahargyo, after the AGMS, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2.







Not only discussing the use of net income, but the AGMS also decided to change the composition of the company's management. Among them is the reappointment of Nixon LP Napitupulu as Deputy President Director of BTN in the next period.

Meanwhile, for the Board of Commissioners, the shareholders approved the dismissal of Eko D Heripoerwanto as Commissioner of the Company. In addition, three new commissioners were appointed, namely Herry Trisaputra Zuna as Commissioner, Himawan Arief Sugoto as Commissioner, and Sentot A Sentausa as Independent Commissioner.

"We are optimistic that this new board of directors will (make the company) even more solid, and bring BTN to achieve its target as The Best Mortgage Bank", Haru said.

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