
JAKARTA - BUMN Holding Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID) will measure carbon absorption from reclamation activities carried out as a form of commitment to decarbonization.

MIND ID itself consists of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Inalum (Persero), and PT Timah Tbk.

"In addition to reclamation obligations, the MIND ID Group also participates in other tree planting programs," said MIND ID's Director of Institutional Relations, Dany Amrul Ichdan, in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, March 2.

One of them, like what Inalum did, from 2015 to 2021, 590,413 trees were planted in an area of 1,056 hectares (ha) located in seven districts around the Lake Toba region. This activity involved the Forestry Service, KPH, NGOs, Community Groups, Forest Farmers Groups, TNI and Polri.

"In 2022, Inalum plans to plant 308,148 trees, consisting of 130,000 trees (260 ha) from the Inalum Lake Toba Watershed Conservation Program and 178,148 trees (445.37 ha) from the Natural Resources Management Service Program in collaboration with PJT1," he explained.

As a natural resource management company, MIND ID Group is aware of changes in the landscape in mining and mineral processing activities. Dany said that reclamation and biodiversity are material aspects that the MIND ID Group pays attention to.

"The precautionary principle is applied in every activity to minimize operational impacts," he said.

For your information, MIND ID Group recorded the realization of reclamation obligations throughout 2021 covering an area of 931.25 hectares (ha). Meanwhile, until the end of last year, the total reclamation area reached 5,814 hectares (ha).

Dany said the reclamation of MIND ID members was a reflection of the commitment to implementing good governance and operational practices.

"The reclamation carried out is part of the MIND ID Group's mining operational cycle and will continue to be carried out throughout operational activities," he said.

The company also complies with placing a reclamation or post-mining guarantee fund in accordance with applicable regulations. MIND ID Group's total reclamation or post-mining guarantee fund was recorded at Rp799.33 billion.

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