
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have allocated a fairly large budget for the health sector in the last two years to support efforts to transform the health sector.

The Director General of the Ministry of Finance's Budget Isa Rachmatarwata said that in addition to revitalizing health facilities, the budget also includes for handling the pandemic, such as vaccinations, patient claims, incentives for health workers, provision of medicines, health equipment, and efforts to enforce health protocols.

"The dynamics of the development of COVID-19 cases with the emergence of various variants provide extraordinary lessons regarding the efforts that must be prepared or the actions that must be taken to deal with a pandemic," he said in an official statement, Friday, February 25.

According to Isa, sometimes a crisis situation becomes a momentum for significant reforms. The reason is, even though the pandemic has caused new things to emerge in the health sector, the impact has reached the social and economic sectors.

“As we all know, the performance of the health sector and the economy are two things that are closely related, especially in times like these. For that we want to strive so that as a result of this pandemic we can carry out transformations in various fields," he said.

To note, the budget allocation for the health sector in the 2022 National Economic Recovery (PEN) program is IDR 122.54 trillion.

Meanwhile, the health budget for the 2021 and 2020 PEN and PEN 2020 are respectively Rp214 trillion and Rp99.5 trillion.

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