
JAKARTA - Hundreds of tofu and tempeh craftsmen in Lebak Regency, Banten Province are ready to temporarily stop production for the next three days from Monday to Wednesday (February 21-23) due to the high price of imported soybeans in the market. production so that the government can stabilize soybean prices on the market," said Mad Soleh (55), a tofu craftsman in Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 21. Banten for the next three days. Currently, the price of imported soybeans in the market is still high with a range of between Rp. 570 thousand to Rp. 600 thousand per 50 kg, whereas previously it was Rp. 300 thousand per kg. The increase in soybean prices has certainly made the income of tofu and tempe craftsmen slumped and threatened to collapse. mat. In fact, he is now selling at a loss instead of selling a profit, because he fulfills the demands of his customers who are basket traders. "K We hope that through the strike, soybean prices will return to normal," he said. Likewise, Sutari (45), a resident of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, said he supported the strike by tofu and tempeh craftsmen to get the government's attention because soy prices are still high.

- let-Rumah-bertarung-diri



In fact, almost every day the price of imported soybeans in the market soars, so that tempe craftsmen are threatened with bankruptcy. "We ourselves are now selling tempeh at a loss due to the high price of soybeans," he said. Tofu and tempeh craftsmen in this area will stop their production activities for the next three days from February 21 to 23, 2022. The demand for tofu and tempeh craftsmen is for soybean prices to return to normal, so that production can run and they can reap profits. the 1980s," he said.

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