
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is said to be processing the Fit and Proper Test (PKK) for members of the Member Representative Body (BPA) of the 1912 Bumiputera Joint Life Insurance (AJBB).

OJK Deputy Commissioner for Public Relations and Logistics Anto Prabowo said his party had received applications for 11 BPA candidates and had given them seven days to complete the documents.

"The implementation of the PKK is carried out after all the required documents are received in full," he said in an official statement today, Tuesday, February 15.

According to Anto, prospective BPA members who are declared to have passed the OJK PKK will be processed for their determination in accordance with the provisions of the AJBB Articles of Association.

Meanwhile, if a BPA candidate does not pass, the management is asked to nominate the candidate with the second most votes and so on from the same electoral district.

"Through the new BPA, AJBB is expected to be able to immediately complete the management of the board of directors and commissioners, submit a Financial Restructuring Plan and implement the principles of joint business as stipulated in AJBB's Articles of Association," he said.

Furthermore, Anto said that the authorities wanted AJBB to be able to operate optimally and be able to fulfill obligations to policyholders.

"So that AJB Bumiputera can make the best contribution to the development of the financial services sector, especially insurance," concluded Anto.

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