
JAKARTA - PT Blue Bird Tbk as a land transportation service provider belonging to the conglomerate Purnomo Prawiro is continuing the booster vaccination program. After previously successfully implementing booster vaccinations for all drivers and employees in the Bali service area, on Tuesday 8 February Lombok became the second city in the Blue Bird service area to successfully receive a booster vaccination.

This vaccination activity was made possible thanks to the support from the Mataram City Government, as well as the local health office. The President Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk, Sigit Djokosoetono, appreciated the support of the Mataram City Government for the success of booster vaccination in the Lombok area.

"Lombok is an area that has become a favorite tourist destination, with its wealth and natural beauty. We are pleased to be collaborating with the Mataram City Government to accelerate the recovery of Lombok tourism. So that people can return to their activities, and the economy can rise", said Sigit in his written statement, quoted on Wednesday, February 9.

Sigit further revealed that the success of the booster vaccination for all drivers and employees of Blue Bird Lombok will not slow down the implementation of the health protocol.

"During a pandemic, we see personalized transportation services as one of the needs of the community to earn a living. Therefore, we strive to continue to improve services through strict health protocols. Luckily we have a system that has been managed for almost 50 years to facilitate the process implementation of health protocols", said Sigit.

As is known since the beginning of the pandemic, PT Blue Bird Tbk has been actively involved in assisting the government's efforts in accelerating the response to the pandemic that has hit 2020. A series of Blue Bird's efforts in ensuring the implementation of health protocols for drivers, employees, and fleets, administering vaccinations to reach the target of 100 percent in all operational areas, increasing fleet utility to assist vaccinations to provide special services for repatriation and special delivery for people who need delivery to and from the return from the self-isolation location or the COVID-19 test location through the GoldenbirdSpecial Care service.

In line with Sigit, the Mayor of Mataram, H. Mohan Roliskana, said that this activity is a tangible manifestation of Blue Bird Lombok's commitment to maintaining the quality of service to the community.

"And the Regional Government has a commitment and responsibility in efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic in Mataram City, and is ready to facilitate community members or institutions that require vaccination infrastructure", Mohan explained.

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