
JAKARTA The Horse Ratu carca from West Sumatra has the potential to get the Tiga Mahkota Cup after becoming the champion in the 3rd grade of A/B Tiga Mahkota 1,200 meters Prabowo Subianto Cup.

Triple Crown Pordasi/Pala Tiga Mahkota Series I Year 2023 was completed at the Sultan Agung Bantul Horse Pacu Field, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Sunday, March 19, 2023.

Around 92 horses from 10 provinces were involved in the prestigious horse race competition. Ratuquila's horse also successfully defeated all of its competitors to win the title.

The victory made Queentila's chance to win the Three Crown Cup even more open. Kans brought home the Three Crown Cup even bigger if in the next series on May 21, she won again at a medium distance of 1,600 meters.

Then the trophy will automatically be in hand if Guinea wins 2,000 meters in the third series of the Tiga Mahkota Cup which is the 2023 National Championship (Kejurnas) series I. The series will later be held in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra.

The second series of events organized by the Provincial Management (Pengprov) of the All-Indonesian Equestrian Sports Association (Pordasi) DKI Jakarta together with the Central Management (PP) will still take place in Bantul DIY

The DKI provincial government was actually mandated to host the first and second series of the Three Crown Cup at the 2022 Pordasi National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Siak, Riau. However, the absence of facilities in the state capital made the competition arena moved to DIY.

Here are the winners of the Three Crown Cup according to their class:

Class 3 Years A/B Tiga Mahkota 1,200 meters Prabowo Subianto Cup (horse name/region/owner/joki)

1st place in Queenquila/West Sumatra/Riki & D Box/Yani Sondakh

2nd Winner Aero Dupont/NTT/Praiakul/GentaTah Dinanta

3 Flowing Light/Central Java/Dedi Irianto/Ade S.Herman Champion

Class A 1,300 meters Aryo.P.S. Djojohadikusumo Cup

1st Winner P.Stevani/Kalsel/Hj.Haryati/ Salman Farid

Champion 2 Primadona Jatinom/Jatim/Atan Jonatan/Abadi Sutrisno

3 Piere Tendean/East Java/Dr.H Syamwil/Samsul Arif Champion

Class C 1,100 meters Minar Cup

Champion 1 Chelleng Manis/Jatim/HM Saud/N.Suryana

2nd Winner OfTEN Women/East Java/Bambang K.Istanto/B.Turangan

Champion 3 Thugs Jr. South Kalimantan/Hj.Haryati/ Salman Farid

Class E 1,200 meters Of The DKI Jakarta Pordasi Pengprov Cup

Women's 1st Champion, Balqis/Jatim/Joko Ardianto/ Genta Tata Dinanta

2nd Winner Miss Soisong/East Java/Ilham Laswardi/ Marcel Singal

3rd Women's Champion Rose/NTB/M.Andi Abdullah/ Mardi Putra

Class B 1,200 meters Mind Store Cup

1st Place Winner P. Bintang Pamungkas/Kalsel/Hj.Hami BHM Stable/Salman Farid

2nd Assakaf Star/DIY/Stable/Jemmi Ranking

3rd Winner Besse Wanda/Jatim/Attan Janatan/Abadi Sutrisna

First Class A/B 800 meters Suntera Cup

1st Lady First/East Java/M.Naufal Alidroes/Nana Suryana

2nd Winner Marocco/NTT/Thalib Makarim/Ahmad Saefudin

First Class C/D 800 meters Minar Cup

1st Place Ratu Moko/DIY/Widyatmoko/Jemmi Mengwengang

2nd Winner Of Glad Lady Wijaya/East Java/Jatimiko/Abadi Sutrisno

Champion 3 Lucky Super/DIY/Wicaksono/M.Komarudin

Class 3 Years C/D 1,100 meters Aryo.P.S. Djojohadikusumo Cup

1st Champion Of Quin Jet/East Java/Persus Stable/Z Fanani

Champion 2 Haidar Rey/Jatim/Ir.H. Hairul Mustofa/Genta Tahta Dinanta

3 Sky Light/Central Java/Dedi Irianto/Ade S.Herman Champion

Class 2 Year Beginner C/D 1,000 Meter Hydro Coco Cup

Champion 1 Altair Tonsea/Sulut/ Tonsea Stable/Risky Rorimpandey

2nd Citra BHM/South Kalimantan/Hj.Haryati BHM Stable/Salman Farid

3rd Winner Executor Haldor/Central Java/Drs.Surya Gunawan/ Kenny Ngion

Class 2 Year Beginner A/B 1,100 Meter Capabak Cup

1st Winner King of Palace / East Java / H.Yusron / Rorimpandey

2nd Champion Dzul Iqal/Jatim/H.Nurul Huda/Zaenal Fanani

3 Obit/East Java/Beni/Tessa Tamunu Champion

Class D 1,000 meters D of the DIY Pordasi Pengda Cup

1st Winner Aleena/East Java/ Mega Prayudi/Sutrisno Abadi

2nd place winner RX King / East Java / H.Yusron / M.Syahroni

Champion 3 Captain Maja / East Java / Akbar / Tamunu

Class G 1,000 meters Stable Mainstay Cup

1st place winner Cairo / DIY / Denevan FN. / Gilang Tegar

2nd Winner Nyai Sagopi / DIY / Drs.H Soebardiono / Tessa Tamunu

3rd Winner King Musyafir/Central Java/ Jarwoto/M.Nasir

Class F 1,000 meters DKI Jakarta Pordasi Pengprov Cup

Champion 1 Bintang Samudra/Jabar/Neng Resa/A.Saidil

2nd Champion Robikun/East Java/Joko Harianto/ Genta Tata Dinanta

3rd Champion Darcini Joy/Jatim/M.Mifdol M. Syamsul Arif

Class I 1,000 meters Stable Mainstay Cup

1st Winner King Nasgor/Central Java/Tutur/Sumanto

2 Bintang Samudra KBM/Central Java/ Neng Resa/Gung Saidil Champion

Champion 3 Mahajaya/East Java/H. Hari Wibowo/ Sahroni

Class H 1,000 meters Stable Mainstay Cup

1st Winner Happy Asmara/DIY/Dinda & Nina/M.Nasir

Won 2nd Savero 999/East Java/Wibowo Day/ Roni M.Diky

Champion 3 Mahasura/Central Java/ Naga/Ita

Class Mini 600 meters Segoroyoso Cup Stable

1 Minuk/Central Java/Ga/Ita Champion

Won 2nd Wisky/Central Java/Berin/Pranomo

3 Stars Champion Merapi/DIY/M.Rumi/ Nicolas

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