
JAKARTA - Paris Saint Germain (PSG) player, Lionel Messi, received serious threats from unknown people. The threatening message was conveyed by two armed people who also attacked the supermarket belonging to the Argentine national team's star family.

The attack took place at a supermarket owned by his wife's family in Rosario, Argentina. There were about 14 shots fired at the shop's doors and windows at the time of the incident on Thursday, March 2 local time.

It is known that the attack was carried out by two people riding a motorcycle. Luckily there were no casualties.

However, local police said there was a threatening message left for Messi and offended Pablo Javkin, Mayor of Rosario.

"(Lionel) Messi, we are waiting for you. Javkin is a drug dealer. He will not take care of you," reads a message addressed to Messi, as told by the police.

Javkin, who was also involved in the attack and terror aimed at Messi's family, has commented. He hopes that more police officers will be deployed to keep the city safe.

"Those who have weapons use it. Where is the power we have?" he said.

"This is a form of resistance to the city, this is not a personal matter. We have discussed this (city security) in the last 15 days. This is really very strange," said Javkin.

Since his career in the world of brilliant football, Messi's name has been very popular in Argentina. Although many had criticized Messi when he failed to bring Argentina to win in the 2010s, many have always defended him.

Messi's peak in popularity then peaked in the last two years, it comes after La Pulga brought Argentina to win the Copa America and was followed by the 2022 World Cup.

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