
YOGYAKARTA - A deadly chess trick is one of the things, especially in tactics to win chess games with more quality. By applying this trick, the game will be more attractive and fun. Because it has actions that are beyond expectations and of course really impressive.

In this sport, the game has modified and renewed which can make it easier for players with quite understandable and understood terms. Before doing chess tricks, the players should have mature tactics and strategies to use the trick.

This game really relies on the brain in stepping over chess while reading the opponent's game. Because, each person's technique and characteristics of chess are different, making the players have to be empowered many times to adapt themselves, and design tactics so that the game goes according to expectations.

Catur Language Notation

The chess notation is a game language that makes it easier for players to get to know and understand the fruit and movement of chess.

The position of the Horizontal chess box or series is marked by letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H), even though the position of the Vertical box or column is marked by numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Then, to mark chess pieces, beginners can apply the initials of the capital letters of the pieces, namely:

In addition, chess also has special symbols in its game. The following are special symbols embedded in the chess game, namely:

Blackburn duging Trap

This situation can be used when players receive black chess roles that accept the second step after white. Because, the second role has a really narrow space, this trick takes advantage of the negligence of the opponent who has steps, especially in the past who used strong chess pieces in attack.

This black role (his own) violates all the principle of opening to surprise the opponent by a glimpse. It looks a bit careless, but it's an illusion of a game to make a card with a fast step. This trick really fits into the Italian game or Giuoco?

The following is an illustration of the steps, namely: (1) Pe4 Pe5 (2) Kf3 Kc6 (3) Gc4 Kd4?! (4) KxPe5?! Mg5! (5) KxPf7 MxPg2 (6) Bf1 MxPe4+ (7) Ge2 Kf3#. The decree made by Kuda makes the King unable to move anywhere, because the space covered by 2 pions is right and left, 1 Minister is left, 1 Elephant is front and 1 Benteng is right.

Fried Liver Attack

This trick is a type of defense to attack at the expense of 2 chesses to open the elephant room and the Minister to carry out the squad fast.

This trick can be done at the beginning of the chess round or the opening of chess. Here's an overview of the steps:

Legal Trap

This trick is a trap that is carried out to trap the opposing King at the expense of the Minister. The minister was plotted as bait by the space left by the horse and made the condition of the two horses and elephants themselves in front of the opponent's zone uncontrolled by the opposing Chess.

This situation takes advantage of the opponent's threat which is a counter-attack with undeveloped opposition pion conditions to close the space for horses and elephants themselves.

Here is an overview of the steps: (1) Pe4 Pe5, (2) Kf3 Kc6, (3) Gc4d6!? (4) Kc3 Gg4 (5) Ph3 Gh5? (6) KxPe5! GxMd1? (7) GxPf7+ Re7 (8) Kd5 #

This practice requires tactics that sacrifice enough chess pieces to open the threat and make Skakmat feel for a short time.

So after knowing the deadly chess technique, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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