
PALANGKA RAYA - A total of 18 national athletes will appear and fight in the 2022 UCI Bike Championships MTB Eliminator World Cup. The event will take place on Sunday, August 28 at the Tuah Pahoe Stadium, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan.

Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran said all national and international cyclists had arrived the day before the event. The preparation for the first world mountain bike racing event in Indonesia is also one hundred percent.

With fully completed preparations, Sabran then hopes that national athletes who compete and have the status of hosts can contribute achievements to Indonesia.

"My hope is that the Indonesian team will be able to win a medal and show their best achievements later, because they have already trained. They already know the terrain. It's just the courage to face the top riders of other countries," he said on the sidelines of reviewing the location of the arena in Tuah Pahoe.

In the inaugural agenda in Indonesia, especially in Palangka Raya, the 2022 UCI MTB Eliminator World Cup bicycle Championship will be attended by 30 countries with 32 male and 16 women's numbers. Indonesia is the 8th country out of eleven countries appointed in this year's series.

The following is a list of Indonesian racers at the MTB Eliminator World Cup 2022 UCI Bike Championships

Zaenal Fanani (East Java)Ihza Muhammad (East Java)Renoza Adi Pratama (East Java)Rizaldi Ashshadiqqi Ridha (South Kalimantan)Rendy Verera Sanjaya (East Java)Ade Setia (South Sumatra)M. Maydani Arham (South Sumatra)Ade Agung Between (South Sumatra)Andi Prayoga (Central Java)

Dela Anjar Wulan (East Java)Sarini (South Sumatra)Sayu Bella Sukma Dewi (Bali)Yunia Angelly Syahdat (South Kalimantan)Noor Maida Salma (South Kalimantan)Ela Restiyana (Lampung)Dara Latifah (North Sumatra)Riska Amelia Agustin (West Java)Ayu Triya Andriyana (East Java)

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