
JAKARTA - British television station, BBC, makes Manchester United fans angry. They wrote the club nicknamed the Red Devils as "trash".

The incident that caused a stir occurred on Tuesday, May 24, at 9.30 local time. At that time the BBC was broadcasting footage of the French Open tennis match.

What is surprising is the news ticker (brief news at the bottom of the screen) that appears. The news ticker reads 'Manchester United is trash'.

The incident took place quickly and went viral on social media. As a result, this has become material for rival Manchester United fans to mock Harry Maguire and his friends.

The BBC also received attacks from MU supporters who did not accept that their pride team was insulted.

TV critic and broadcaster Scott Bryan, who works for the BBC, saw the error and posted a clip on Twitter which immediately went viral.

BBC presenter Annita McVeigh later issued an apology for the technical error.

He said the mistake was made by a new employee who was learning how to operate a news ticker. The employee is claimed to have been asked to write random words.

"Some of you may have noticed something very unusual on the ticker running along the bottom of the screen with news making comments about Manchester United. I hope Manchester United fans are not offended by it," he said.

"Let me explain what happened: behind the scenes someone was training to learn how to use the ticker and put text on the ticker. So they just wrote random things, not really and the comments popped up."

"So sorry if you saw that and you were offended and you are a Manchester United fan. But of course it was a mistake and it wasn't meant to be on the screen."

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