
JAKARTA - The Indonesian contingent shifted Malaysia's position in the medal standings of the 2021 SEA Games. This was thanks to the addition of five gold medals on Saturday, May 14, until 14.00 WIB.

The additional five gold medals came from rowing (four medals) and wushu (one medal). This is the first gold medal of the 2021 SEA Games won from the wushu branch.

The gold was presented by Alisya Mellynmar through the Taolu Taiji Quan Putri number which took place at the Cau Giay Gymnasium, Hanoi. She managed to score 9.71 for gold, two points ahead of Singapore's silver medalist Agatha Chrystenz with 9.69. Meanwhile, bronze winner Sy Xuan Sydney from Malaysia won 9.68.

Meanwhile, four gold medals in rowing came from Ferdiansyah/Denri Maulidzar (Man's Pair), Ihram (Men's Lightweight Single Sculls), Jefri Ardianto Suwarno/Rio Riski Darmawan Men's Lightweight Pair) and Memo/Edwini Ginanjar/Rifqi Harits Taufiqurrahman/Sulpianto (Men's). Quadruple Sculls).

With this addition, Indonesia has now collected 12 gold, 12 silver and 3 bronze medals. This is based on data from Antara at 14.00 WIB:

Vietnam 28 gold 18 silver 26 bronze Indonesia 12 12 3 Malaysia 11 5 14 Philippines 7 14 16 Thailand 6 9 22 Singapore 4 7 7 Myanmar 2 2 5 Cambodia 1 3 4 Brunei Darussalam 1 1 1 Laos 0 1 3 Timor Leste 0 0 0

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