
JAKARTA - Three days before the prestigious All England tournament, the Indonesian badminton national team held its inaugural technical training at the University of Birmingham Hall, Sunday, March 13.

The day after arriving in England on Friday, the Indonesian team held a light workout in the gym which was followed up by devouring today's technical training.

"Today, assisted by Indonesian students in Birmingham, we rented a training ground for approximately two hours because the official training could only be tomorrow," said Indonesian team manager Rionny Mainaky in an official statement from PP PBSI in Jakarta, Sunday as quoted by Antara.

The University of Birmingham was chosen because official training on the main course could only take place on Monday.

"Yesterday we practiced in the gym, today we try to go out on the field to relieve stiffness in movement and return the feeling of being hit because it has been more or less three days without holding a racket," said Rionny.

Rionny said that the current condition of the national team is very good and it is certain that all are in good health.

"Training is serious and optimistic. After training, we undergo a COVID-19 test. Hopefully, the results are all negative," said Rionny.

Rionny hopes that the results of the COVID-19 test for the teams in Germany are all good and can soon follow them to England.

Meanwhile, the men's doubles athlete, Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, hopes to get the best results in All England. Kevin, who was seeded first with Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, admitted that he had prepared quite well.

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