
JAKARTA - Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) Sports Director, Leonardo, gave a statement regarding the recent issues regarding his team. Starting from the issue of Kylian Mbappe's move, the condition of Sergio Ramos to the issue of the arrival of Zinedine Zidane.

This Brazilian man spoke openly when interviewed by the famous French media, L'Equipe, recently.

Regarding Mbappe, Leonardo admitted, his team still had a chance to keep the player. It's no secret that the French national team player is Real Madrid's main target.

"What are the chances of extending Kylian Mbappe's contract? I can't say exactly, but we have a possibility.

According to Leonardo, as long as Mbappe has not signed a contract with another club, PSG will try everything to keep Mbappe. However, the former AC Milan player denied raising Mbappe's salary to 50 million euros including in that way.

"The last thing we will place in Mbappe's contract is the amount of salary. We want to put Kylian in the best condition to be the best player," Leonardo said.

He then discussed the news that PSG would sign Zidane to replace Mauricio Pochettino in the coaching chair. This was emphatically denied by the director.

PSG, he continued, never had the thought of changing their coach. The club nicknamed Les Parisiens has also never contacted Zidane or other coaches.

"I can only say Maurucio Pochettino never asked to leave. I have no problem with him," said the Brazilian.

Leonardo then talked about the figure of Sergio Ramos. The Spanish defender is arguably "useless" because he has rarely appeared with PSG since arriving from Real Madrid.

Ramos is more absent because of injury. According to Leonardo, the former Sevilla player was in good shape when he was brought to Paris.

"Unfortunately, what we wanted did not happen. But wait, the season is not over. The day we say he can no longer play, that will become clear to everyone. That's not the case," Leonardo said.

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