
JAKARTA – Men's singles badminton player Ikhsan Leonardo Imanuel Rumbay is excited to welcome the 2022 Asian Team Badminton Championships (BATC). He is happy to represent Indonesia in the tournament.

Ikhsan is one of 20 players who will be sent to the championship. The competition will take place at the Setia City Convention Center, Selangor, Malaysia, on 15-20 February 2022.

“I feel very happy, of course, because this is my first time joining the team in the team championship in the senior class. Besides that, the atmosphere in this championship is definitely different," said Ikhsan in an official statement obtained by VOI.

Ikhsan's physique had experienced a decline after undergoing the end of the 2021 holiday. However, now his condition is gradually starting to return to normal and he is ready to go out to compete.

Ikhsan said that being physically ready to compete, he also wanted to give the best for the team. Moreover, Indonesia came with the status of defending champion.

"After the holidays there will definitely be a decline in physical and muscle, but now things have returned to normal and almost 90 percent have returned to their original condition before the holidays. My target is to give the best for the team," said Ikhsan.

Indonesia came as the defending champion in the men's team tournament which was the qualification for the Thomas and Uber Cups. Not only the defending champion, the Indonesian men's team is also the champion in the last three editions.

In the 2020 edition, the Indonesian men's team came out as champions after defeating Malaysia. The Red and White Team won with a landslide score of 3-1, in the final match which took place at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum, Philippines.

For this year, the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) decided to send young representatives. This is done for the sake of regeneration of athletes.

For this reason, the team list does not include names such as Jonatan Christie, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan, Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, to Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo.

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