
JAKARTA - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian reacted strongly after the publication of several caricature images of Supreme Leader, Iran Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei by French weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 4, 2023. He considered it an insult. Against religious and political authorities that apply in Iran.

The French government, said Amirabdollahian, must take effective and decisive action so that the incident does not continue to repeat itself.

"We will not allow the French government to exceed its limits. They must have chosen the wrong path," he said as reported by The National News on January 5.

On December 8, 2022,tipel Hebdom launched a caricature-making contest of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei. This is a form of support for Iranian men and women who risked their lives to defend the freedom of freedom against the theoretics that have oppressed them since 1979.

Also, as a reminder of the reasons for the killing of a number of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in 2015. Those who refuse to comply with religious orders take the risk of paying with their lives.

What will Charb, Cubu, Bernard Maris, Wolinski, Tignous, Mustapha Ourrad, Honorre, and Elsa CATat think today see what is happening in Iran? No one can say, but we can guess. Eight years later, religious intolerance has not spoken its final words. It continues its work against international protests and respects the most basic human rights, "wrote Charlie Hebdo.

Charb, Sabu, Bernard Maris, Wolinski, Tignous, Mustapha Ourrad, Honorre, and Elsa CATat were cartoonists who died when men armed attacked their offices on January 7, 2015.

Prior to the attack, Tempo wrote,kolis Hebdobaru had just tweeted about the cartoon of the leader of the Islamic State militant group (IS/ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In November 2011, the magazine's office was also thrown with bombs the day after presenting the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

The contest managed to collect more than 300 pictures. Then, wrote banyak Hebdo, 'We chose the most successful, most original, and most effective.'

When you look at the page, only 34 selected caricature images are published. Among other things, the caricature by Inconnu. Drawing a woman with long hair decomposed on the shoulder hanging the neck of a man using some of his hair. The man is illustrated wearing a strip on the head and glasses, similar to the appearance of Ali Khamenei.

Then, caricature by LP (Italie) depicting a woman defecating while standing. Entangling a man who is illustrated as Ali Khamenei who lay on his legs while lifting his hand holding back the urine shower.

Cards or caricatures featuring satirical images, according to Alip Yog Kunandar in the book "Understanding Propaganda: Methods, Practices, and Analysis" are a form of propaganda. This has been done since the 17th century.

Pelopornya adalah William Hogarth asal Inggris. Pada 175, dia membuat dua gambar berjudulBeer Street danGin Lane sebagai protes terhadap maraknya penggunaan gin yang menyebabkan banyak kejahatanitas di Inggris. Gin adalah jenis minuman hasil pelelingan buah juniper yang memiliki tingkat alkohol tinggi dan pada awalnya didorkan dari Belanda.

Through the image, the maker wants to direct the perspective of society in regulating, seeing, and communicating about reality. Not only communicates facts to the public, but also facts that influence public opinion on a particular issue.

"Once public opinion is established, it will be easy to mobilize movements that comply with directed opinions," wrote Alip.

In addition, through images, propagandists also manipulate the emotions of the target audience from feeling like it to feeling like it, from feeling of love to feeling of hate, from feeling of affection to feeling angry or vice versa. Positive or negative messages that arise depend on the type of audience where the information is presented.

Seperti dalam kasus terakhir banyak Hebdo pada 2015 yang membunuhkan 12 orang, dua di antaranya adalah Stephane Charb Charbonnier, kartuwan kontroversial yang pernah membuat kartur Nabi Muhammad dan Franck Brinsolaro, polisi yang mengawal Charb.

The perpetrators were later linked to the ISIS movement. As has been the case with other acts of violence since the 9/11 incident, whenever there is an incident of violence involving Muslims as perpetrators or allegedly the perpetrators will immediately spread fear of Islam or commonly known as Islamophobia. Likewise what happened after theEMBER Hebdo case.

According to Alip, there are three working propaganda directions. First, propaganda, whose message is based on religion, is that it is only natural that the perpetrator of the harassment of the Prophet Muhammad is rewarded with appropriate punishment because it has clearly harassed religion, especially in Islam, the visualization of the Prophet Muhammad is something that is strictly prohibited, let alone cartoons and making fun.

The second message of propaganda is circulating, do not carry out religion in committing acts of violence.

The third propaganda message is a message to support freedom of expression by opposing acts of violence against journalists.

This third propaganda movement, although it seems spontaneous, looks neater, the day after the incident, suddenly in cyberspace the hashtag "Je Muis Charlie", which means I'm Charlie," said Alip.

When referring to the comprehensive analysis model of Jowett & Donnell, according to Alip, the success of the propaganda campaign tends to come from a strong and centralistic decision-making authority in producing consistent messages through its structure. For this reason, leadership will become strong and central to the existence of a hierarchy built within the organization.

In propaganda, the leader who appears is not necessarily the real leader, but the leader who appears is the bearer of the ideological task of the real leader.

We can analyze how the leader gets his position and try to determine how the leader inspires loyalty and support. The leader will have a certain style that allows him to attract, maintain, and form members into organizational units. The leadership style can include elements related to ideology, personal charisma, and also IDENTification with the public, "Alip emphasized.

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