
JAKARTA - Agus has won the elementary school-level Mayor's Cup badminton tournament twice in his city. If this year, he won the prestigious trophy again, Agus will be listed as the only junior badminton player to win the Mayor's Cup three times in a row in Pekalongan.

"Remember Gus, this is your favorite match at the elementary school level. Play well. Compete with enthusiasm because you don't only carry your personal and family's name, but also the name of our school," said Taufik, a sports teacher as well as a badminton coach, providing motivation.

While wiping the sweat that was pouring on his forehead, neck, and hands using a small towel, Agus listened well and seriously. Moreover, he also knew that he would receive scholarships up to high school and enter a professional badminton club if successful.

Taufik is a professional badminton player who has changed professions to become a sports teacher in elementary school. As an educator, he knows what to do. Never get bored, he motivates. His smile when he sees his students being enthusiastic and diligent in practicing.

Well, young people have to be like that, Gus. Full of enthusiasm despite the many obstacles that block. With high enthusiasm, we will make achievements. With achievements, it means that we have contributed something to the nation and state. Remember Gus, defending the country is not just by lifting arms or fighting against enemies. With achievements, we can make this country proud in the international world," Taufik gave advice.

However, when the championship time was getting closer, Agus experienced a disaster. The bicycle he was driving when he was going to the training ground was hit by a motorcycle. Agus suffered a broken bone in his right leg.

He lay in a hospital bed without power. Sad and gloomy. Conditions are no longer possible to compete in the championship. I regret not being able to realize the hopes of everyone who supports me."

Taufik and his family continue to entertain. Be patient Gus. Tawakkallah. Don't think too much about the problem. This tragedy is not your fault. Maybe there is a lesson you can learn behind this incident.

"It is impossible for me to make the name of my family, nation and country proud again, sir," said Agus sadly, who was immediately answered by Taufik, Don't be discouraged, Gus.

To make achievements and donate something to the nation and state, you don't have to be a badminton player. There are many other ways that you can take to gain useful achievements for our country. By diligently learning and mastering lessons and never leaving worship, it is also an achievement," said Taufik.

"That's a short story titled 'There's still another way, Gus...' who was teased from the book 'My father is a hero' by Purwandi D. A story that describes how the teacher functions in providing role models for his students.

Good education, according to Wangsih and Mutiar Fitri Dewi in 'A teacher', requires good teachers. Unfortunately, teachers are generally busy equipping themselves with abilities related to academics or hard skills and sometimes forgetting to develop interpersonal abilities or soft skills.

In fact, good teachers, namely having competency synergy that is able to harmonize between hard skills and soft skills. Teachers who always use positive glasses in every activity, both in dealing with students, fellow teachers, and their duties as educators

"Students need teachers who are lully, optimistic, disciplined, respectful, humorous, friendly, flexible, inspiring, gentle, responsive, and empathic," he said.

Educating is not imposing will on children, but quite the opposite, namely by taking them to express and develop the potentials students have so that they can grow and develop into qualified human beings in knowledge, skills, andattitude.

On that basis, teachers not only teach but also learn. We learn to understand students, meet their needs, create a climate so that students reach optimal maturity. The learning we do must always be renewable," wrote the book.

Silabuses, curriculum, lesson plans, and various educational facilities or tools are just benchmarks and tools with the aim of helping to make education better successful. This is indeed important, but more important is the competence of the human being.

Many educators are trapped with various kinds of facilities and infrastructure rigidly, so that education does not develop. The most important thing is how teachers can be creative in utilizing educational facilities and infrastructure so that they can be efficient and successful optimally," said Wangsih.

Teacher creativity is needed, especially in today's digital era when the flow of information flows rapidly. It takes literacy and critical thinking skills to understand the problem, then solve the problem creatively. Because, not all existing information can have a good impact on students.

In fact, good teachers are agents of change, agents of renewal. Ki Hajar Dewantara once said, "Education is the door to world civilization. The door will not be open except with one key, namely a teacher or teacher who cares about world civilization."

Teachers are noble figures. They are the determinant of the future, the hero without a merit. Happy Hero's Day. My Hero, My Exemplary.

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